Vak Devis description of Lalithambikai - Part 8

विज्ञान-कलना (902)


Vijñāna means knowledge that is required to realise the Brahman and kalanā means causing or effecting. This nāma says that She provides the highest knowledge to realise the Brahman. 

कल्या (903)


Kalya has many meanings such as auspicious, healthy, perfect, ready or prepared, instructive, dawn, good tidings, etc.  It can be said that She is in the form of above qualities. 

विदग्धा (904)


She is clever, shrewd, knowing, sharp, crafty, sly, artful, intriguing, etc. These qualities are required to create, sustain and dissolve the universe. These are the qualities of the Brahman and this nāma again reaffirms Her Brahmanic qualities. 

बैन्दवासना (905)


Baindava means a bindu or dot and āsana means seat. This nāma says that She is seated on a bindu.

तत्त्वाधिका (906)


She is beyond tattva-s or principles (generally tattva-s are twenty four or thirty six). 

तत्त्वमयी (907)


She is the embodiment of tattva-s. 

तत्त्वमर्थ-स्वरूपिणी (908)


Tat means the Brahman and tvam means the soul. The union of the two is called realisation or Self-realisation. This nāma says She is in the form of mahā vākyas  such as  Tat tvaṁ asi or “You are That”. Her tat-tvaṁ form is the cause for Self-realisation.

सामगान-प्रिया (909)


Sāma means the Sāma Veda, gāna means songs and priyā means fond of.  This nāma says that She is fond of songs of Sāma Veda, or She is fond of those who render Sāma Veda,.  The verses of Sāma Veda, are rendered in musical notes.  It is said that Śiva is fond of Sāma Veda.

सौम्या (910)


Somyā means ‘resembling the moon’, auspicious, happy, pleasant, cheerful, etc. All these characteristics apply to Her.

सदाशिव-कुटुम्बिनी (911)


She's the consort of Sadāśiva and belongs to the family of Shiva.

सव्यापसव्य-मार्गस्था (912)


This nāma is composed of three words, savya + apa-savya + mārga. Savya means right hand, apa-savya means the left hand and mārga means path (possibly referring to middle path between savya and apasavya).  

Savya is worshipping through Vedic methods, where only right hand is used to perform rituals.  Apasavya is worshipping through tantric methods, where only left hand is used. This nāma says that She is worshipped by Her devotees by either of these paths. These are also known as dakṣiṇā mārga and vāma mārga. 

सर्वापद्-विनिवारिणी (913)


She is the eliminator of all kinds of misfortunes.

स्वस्था (914)


Svasthā means being in one’s natural state and as own natural self with a healthy body and mind without upādhi-s (disturbance).  Because of being the highest, She is Svasthā.

स्वभाव-मधुरा (915)


She is sweet, pleasant, charming and delightful in nature.  Because of these qualities everyone is attracted to Her.

धीरा (916)


She is the embodiment of strength.

धीर-समर्चिता (917)


She is adored by scholars.

चैतन्यार्घ्य-समाराध्या (918)


Caitanya is the foundational consciousness that has absolute freedom of knowing and doing.

Arghya means the water offered to respectable guests. This nāma says that She is worshipped with consciousness as offerings.

चैतन्य-कुसुम-प्रिया (919)


She is very fond of kusum flower.  Here consciousness is compared to flower by poets.

सदोदिता  (920)


She's eternally shining 

सदा-तुष्टा (921)


She always remains satisfied 

तरुणादित्य पाटला (922)


Her color is as red as the rising Sun. Patala means pale red,  more of red and less of white. Red is compared to Sakthi and white is compared to Siva. While sustaining the universe, Her qualities are more predominant than that of Siva.

दक्षिणादक्षिणाराध्या (923)


Right hand worshippers are called Dakshinacara and left hand worshippers are called vamacara . She's adored by both. 

दरस्मेरमुखाम्बुजा (924)

Darasmera - mukhambuja

Her face is full of smile comparable to a fully blossomed lotus.

कौलिनी केवला  (925)

Kaulini - kevala
Kaula worship is a type of tantric worship.  She's the center of this practice and hence she's Kaulini. The knowledge of Siva is known as Kavala or pure. This nama says that Kaulinis transform into Kevala by worshipping Her. 
अनर्घ्यकैवल्यपददायिनी (926)
Anarghya - Kaivalya - pada-dayini
Anarghya means invaluable, Kaivalya means the stage leading to emancipation. Dayini means giver. She leads to emancipation .

स्तोत्रप्रिया (927)

Stotra - priya

Stotra means a hymn of praise. She's fond of praise by verses like SriDevi Mahatyam,  Sri Sukta,  Durga Suktham, etc. 

स्तुतिमती (928)

Stuti mati

Stuti means praise,  mati means knowledge. One gets the knowledge required to realise Brahman by praising Her through Stotra. 

श्रुतिसंस्तुतवैभवा (929)

Sruti - Samstuta - vaibhava 

She's celebrated through Vedas.

मनस्विनी (930) 


She has equanimous mind.

मानवती (931)


She has a high mind of high that comprises of compassion and forgiveness. Because of this quality, She is adored as Sri Mātā or the Divine Mother. 

महेशी (932)


Wife of Mahesśvarā (Šiva).   She originated from Maheśvara.

मडगलाकृति: (933)


Mangal means auspiciousness, happiness, felicity, welfare. This nāma says that She is the embodiment of these.

विश्वमाता (934)


Visva means all-pervading,  all-containing, omnipresent,  in particular Lord Vishnu.  This nama says She's the mother of Vishnu 

जगद्धात्री (935)


She supports and sustains the universe 

विशालाक्षी (936)


She has large eyes that are expansive, auspicious, and full of compassion. Lalithambika doesn't have abhaya and varada hastas. She offers these through Her eyes. 

विरागिणी (937)


She's devoid of passion.

प्रगल्भा (938)


She's bold,  confident and  behaved resolutely. 

परमोदारा (939)


She's extremely generous 

परामोदा (940)


She's the embodiment of supreme joy

मनोमयी (941)


She's the embodiment of mind. She's capable of transmuting the mundane mind into divine consciousness , where Siva is revealed.

व्योमकेशी (942)


Vyoman means heaven, sky, atmosphere,  ether, air,  wind ,etc and kesa means hair.  Her hair is said to be akas element. 

विमानस्था (943)


Residing in Chakrarajam chariot,  She's occupied with protecting Her devotees. 

वज्रिणी (944)


Bedecked with diamonds and gems,  She holds vajrayudha in Her hands to destroy sinners. 

Siva is vajra and Sakthi is Vajrini. 

वामकेश्वरी (945)


Vamakeswara tantra,  the sixty fifth tantra,  is said to be the most important tantra for Srividya worship. She's the presiding deity of Vamakeswara tantra. Hence Vamakeswari.

पञ्चयज्ञप्रिया (946)


Pancha means five, yagna means worship, devotion and sacrifice . Vedas and Upanishads talk about five types of yagnas. She's fond of such yagnas. (agnihotrA,

darshapUrnamAsa, chAturmAsya, goyaj~na and somayaj~na)

पञ्चप्रेतमञ्चाधिशायिनी (947)


Pancha Preta means Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahadeva and Sadashiva and they are the legs of the throne that She's seated upon.

पञ्चमी (948)


Varahi Devi is known as Panchami, since she's the fifth among the Sapta mathas . 

Sadashiva is also known as Panchama and his wife is Panchami. 

पञ्चभूतेशी (949)


She's the embodiment and the ruler of the five elements , space , air, fire, water and earth. 

पञ्चसङ्ख्योपचारिणी (950)


She's worshiped with five types of offerings,  gandha (sandal paste),  pushpa,  dhoopa ,  dheepa and nivedhya . Each one of them represent the five elements,  earth, akas,  air,  fire and water.

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