Raja Rajeswari

राज-राजेश्वरी (684)


She is Īśvarī for Brahma, Viṣṇu and Rudra who are known as Rāja-s or kings. Kubera, the god of wealth is also known as Rājā-rāja. Since She is worshipped by him, She is known as Rāja-rājeśvarī. Śiva is  Rājarājeśvarā and His consort is Rājarājeśvarī.  

राज्य-दायिनी (685)


Rājya-dāyinī means the one who is the giver of right to live in territories like Vaikuṇṭha (the abode of Viṣṇu) or Kailāsa (the abode of Śiva). Since She is the administrator of the universe, the destinations of the souls are decided by Her.  The souls with good karmic account rest in dominions like Vaikuṇṭha and Kailāsa. 

राज्य-वल्लभा (686)


She is Rājarājeśvarī, the queen of queens and capable of administering the universe.  Brahma, Viṣṇu, Rudra, Indra and other gods and goddesses live in Śrī Cakra, the abode of Lalitāmbikā.  It can be said that Rājya in these nāma-s refer to Śrī Cakra, where the entire gods and goddesses live.

राजत्-कृपा (687)


She is embodiment of radiating compassion, the primary quality of Śrī Mātā.  Kṛpā means compassion. 

राजपीठ-निवेशित-निजाश्रिता (688)


She confers corporeal prosperities like thrones, on devotees who make complete surrender to Her. If one chooses to ignore such material gains, She gives them a place in Her domain.

राज्यलक्ष्मी (689)


Entire universe is Her Rājya or kingdom.  Her kingdom has no territories, as the boundary of this universe is beyond human comprehension and infinite.  She holds the entire wealth of this universe. 

कोशनाथा (690)


Kośa means the wealth of a government.  Since She is in total control of various Rājya-s or kingdoms, She is known as Kośanāthā. 

चतुरङग-बलेश्वरी (691)


Caturaṅga means four. She has the mighty army of cavalry, elephants, chariots and infantry. Internally, it means antaḥkaraṇa (internal tools) consisting of mind, intellect, conscience (lower level of consciousness) and ego.  Either way, She rules army (external) as well as antaḥkaraṇa (internal). Antaḥkaraṇa of a person is very powerful like an army and can wreck mayhem.

साम्राज्य-दायिनी (692)


Sāmrājya is possible for those who have established their identities with the Brahman.  They are known as Self-realized persons.  Sāmrājya means Śrī Cakra.  She offers a place in Śrī Cakra to those who worship Her with dedication.

सत्यसन्धा (693)


She has determination towards truth therefore She determines everything based on truth only.  

सागर-मेखला (694)


She wears the girdle made of oceans.  Being the controller of the universe,  She is in the form of earth, one of the planets of this universe and the entire water bodies of the planet earth forming Her girdle.

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