
सहस्रदल-पद्मस्था (528)


The next seven nāma-s discuss about yogini Yākinī, the last among the yogini-s.  Sahasrāra or the crown cakra is presided by yogini Yākinī. Sahasrāra is in the form of a thousand petal lotus. This is not categorized under cakra-s and sahasrāra is difficult to explain.  The commune (the divine energy) between the soul and the cosmos happens through an extremely small aperture at the top of the head known as brahmarandhra (ब्रह्मरन्ध्र).  This pericarp of the sahasrāra is said to be more lustrous than a full moon.  The rays of this moon is multi coloured, predominantly VIBGYOR, the seven colours of the rain bow. The colour of these cakra-s begin with red at mūlādhāra, orange at svādhiṣṭhāna, yellow at maṇipūra, green at anāhata, blue at viśuddhi, indigo at ājñā and violet at sahasrāra.  Though violet is said to be the overriding colour of sahasrāra, multi colour is visible during its activation.  Śaktī-s union with Śiva takes place here. 

सर्व-वर्णोप-शोभिता (529)


Yākinī shines in all colours.  varṇa also indicates letters that are inscribed in the one thousand petals.  There is also an interpretation that letters are placed first from a (अ) to kṣa (क्ष) and then kṣa (क्ष) to a (अ) and again from अ to क्ष and so on. 

सर्वायुध-धरा (530)


Yākinī has all types of weaponries.  In sahasrāra, everything is infinite because sahasrāra is beyond any human explanation.  Further, the experience at sahasrāra will differ from person to person. 

शुक्ल-संस्थिता (531)


Yākinī is in the form of subtlest product of the human body – semen or ova. Yākinī represents the creation of human body and destruction of the human mind.

सर्वतोमुखी (532)


Yākinī has infinite faces.

सर्वौदन-प्रीत-चित्ता (533)


Yākinī likes all types of food.

The important point to be noted with sahasrāra is the nature infinitude. The yogini presiding over sahasrāra is beyond everything. 

याकिन्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी (534)


Yogini presiding over sahasrāra is known as mother Yākinī, who has been described from nāma 528 till 534 (7 nāma-s).

With this, the description of yogini-s is concluded.

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