7 qualities of Lalithambikai

कुमार-गणनाथाम्बा (442)


Mother of Kārttikeya or Skanda and Gaṇeśa.  

तुष्टिः (443)


She derives happiness in giving.

पुष्टिः (444)


She is in the form fullness,  fullness of the body and mind. 

मतिः (445)


She is in the form of intellect. 

धृतिः (446)


She is in the form of courageousness and steadfastness, the qualities that are required to administer the universe.

शान्तिः (447)


She is known for Her quietude.  Śānti means the eternal peace of mind derived from controlling senses. 

स्वस्तिमती (448)


The Absolute Reality.  The absolute reality is beyond empirical reality and manifestations. 

कान्तिः (449)


This nāma refers to the Self-illuminating nature of the Brahman.  This is the will of the Brahman to sustain.  Because of this illumination, sun shines and sustains the universe. 

नन्दिनी (450)


A type of holy cow that is capable giving whatever is asked for.  This also means the river Gaṅgā.  She is in the form of river Gaṅgā who is known for her purifying qualities. 

विघ्ननाशिनी (451)


The one who destroys all obstacles.  She destroys the obstacles while acquiring knowledge of the Brahman.

तेजोवती (452)


She is radiating.

त्रिनयना (453)


Three eyed.  Her three eyes are sun, moon and fire. 

लोलाक्षी-काम-रूपिणी (454)


She is in the form of desire of women. Lolākṣī means a woman.

मालिनी (455)


She is wearing garland. This garland is made up fiftyone alphabets of Sanskrit. Since She is Śabda Brahman, all the alphabets originate from Her and it is logical to say that She wears these alphabets in the form of a garland.

हंसिनी (456)


She's in the form of haṁsa mantra, also known as ajapa mantra, a method of mantra recitation from dawn to dawn concentrating on the psychic cakra-s.  Ajapa japa also relies on inhalation and exhalation.

Hamsas are yogis who have reached great spiritual heights. 

माता (457)


The first nāma of this Sahasranāma is Śrī Mātā meaning universal mother.

मलयाचल वासिनी (458)

Malayāchala vāsinī

In Kerala, a state of India, She is worshipped as Bhagavatī.  The state of Kerala is known as Malayāchala.

सुमुखी (459)


She has a beautiful face.

नलिनी (460)


Her limbs are compared to a lotus flower. The beauty of Her sculptured figure is described by making a subtle comparison to a lotus flower. 

River Gaṅgā is also known as Nalinī.  It is said that there is a river by name Gaṅgā in the heaven, which is also known as Nalinī. 

सुभ्रूः (461)


She has beautiful eyebrows.  

शोभना (462)


Śobhanā means the beauty embodied and endowed with auspiciousness. This is called the divine beauty. The word śobha also means divine, anything propitious, auspicious, welfare, prosperity, moral good and virtue.

सुरनायिका (463)


She is the head of Deva-s.  Deva-s mean all types of gods and goddesses that include Brahma, Viṣṇu, Rudra, Sarasvatī, Lakṣmī, etc.

कालकण्ठी (464)


Śiva is also known as Kālakaṇṭha because of blue colour of the poison in his throat. Kaṇṭha means throat. This poison is called kālakūṭa or kālahāla the deadliest poison got out of churning ocean, which was swallowed by Śiva.  She being the wife of Śiva is known as Kālakaṇṭhī.

Kālakaṇṭhī, a deity, is said to be the creation of Śiva along with Kālī for destroying demons.

Kala also means soft sound and kaṇṭhī means throat.  This could mean Her sweet and soft voice.

कान्तिमती (465)


She is resplendent and radiating.

क्षोभिणी (466)


She causes creative pulsation or throbbing in Śiva for creation. Kṣobha means shaking or agitation.  As a result of this throbbing Śiva makes the souls or puruṣa-s to merge with prakṛti to commence the process of creation.  

सूक्ष्मरूपिणी (467)


Sūkṣma is  a type of internal fire oblations, in the ever existing fire of kuṇḍalinī, in mūlādhāra cakra.  As this is performed mentally, it is called sūkṣma homa. She's Suksma rupini as she exists in this form.

वज्रेश्वरी (468)


She is the sixth nitya devi worshipped in Śrī Cakra in jālandhara pīṭha, situated in viśuddhi cakra, also known as throat cakra.  There is a deity by name Mahā-Vajreśvarī, who is worshipped in the innermost triangle of Śrī Cakra.  This devi represents vidyā tattva, sustenance of the universe, dream state, jñāna śakti, Her kāmakalā form, etc. 

वामदेवी (469)


She's the wife of Vāmadeva, yet another form of Śiva. 

वयोऽवस्था-विवर्जिता (470)


She is beyond the effects of aging.  This is the quality of the Brahman, who does not undergo changes.

सिद्धेश्वरी (471)


She is the Īśvarī of Siddha-s.  Siddha-s worship Her.  Siddha-s are those who have attained the powers of aṣṭama siddhi or eight types of super human powers.  Such powers are attained only through kuṇḍalinī meditation.  

सिद्ध-विद्या (472)


The eternal mantra of Pañchadaśī is called siddhi-vidyā.

सिद्ध-माता (473)


She is worshipped as their mother by Siddha-s or yogi-s. 

यशस्विनी (474)


The most renowned.  She is famous because of Her multitude of capabilities.

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