Pancadasi Mantras

Here is a very brief description of pancadasi mantra.

In Hinduism, the term "Bija" is used to mean mystical seed syllables contained within mantras. They do not have precise meanings but are said to carry connections to spiritual principles. The best known bija mantra is OM.

The main mantra of Lalithambika is pancadasi which consists of 15 bijas. Pancadasa means fifteen. Pancadasi mantra consists of three groups of bijas, each line is called as kuta. There are three kutas known as vagbhava kuta, representing Lalithambika's face, kamaraja kuta, representing the portion between Her neck and Hip and Sakthi kuta representing the portion below Her hip.  The whole form of Lalithambika is made up of these three kutas, and this is the reason why pancadasi is considered as most powerful.

श्रीमद्वाग्भव-कूटैक-स्वरूप-मुख-पङ्कजा (85)

Beginning from this nāma, Her Pañcadaśī mantra is being explained.
Now, the description of Her subtle form begins.  Her subtle form comprises of three divisions viz. subtle, subtler and the subtlest.  Subtle form is Pañcadaśī mantra.  Her subtler form is kāma-kalā,   Her subtlest form is kuṇḍalinī śaktī . In this nāma, Her face is compared to the first kūṭa viz. vāgbhava-kūṭa of Pañcadaśī mantra, which gives knowledge and wisdom.

कण्ठाधःकटिपर्यन्त-मध्यकूट-स्वरूपिणी (86)
kaṇṭhādhaḥ kaṭiparyantha-madhyakūṭa-svarūpiṇī

Madhya kūṭa or the middle group of Pañcadaśī mantra refers to that portion between Her neck and the hip.  Previous nāma indicates jñāna śaktī, this nāma is indicative of icchā śaktī.

Icca, kriya and gnana shakthi are the three parts of the creative cosmic power called shakthi. It is the combination of these three shakthi that operates the universe. In order that something to be done, it's required for the three shakthis to be in harmony

शक्ति-कूटैकतापन्न-कट्यधोभाग-धारिणी (87)

Śaktī kūṭa, the last of the three kūṭa-s is compared to Her hip downwards.  This nama is indicative of Kriya Shakthi. Which means "The power to act". Kriya means action and shakthi means intelligent energy

मूलमन्त्रात्मिका (88)
मूलकूटत्रय-कलेबरा (89)

Mūla means root.  Mūlamantra means root of the mantra.  Mantra here means Pañcadaśī.  She is the root of the Pañcadaśī mantra, which is the root of all other mantra-s. The Pañcadaśī mantra is superimposed on Her physical form.

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