Dhyanam ध्यानम्

सिन्दूरारुण-विग्रहां त्रि-नयनां माणिक्य मौलि स्फुरत्
sindūrāruṇa-vigrahāṃ tri-nayanāṃ māṇikya mauli sphurat

Let us meditate on the Divine Mother whose body has the red hue of vermilion, who has three eyes, who wears a beautiful crown studded with rubies

तारानायक-शेखरां स्मितमुखीं आपीन वक्षोरुहाम्
tārānāyaka-śekarāṃ smitamukhīṃ āpīna vakṣoruhām|

She's wearing a crown that's studded with Moon, the chief of stars. With a smiling face, she nourishes the whole universe

पाणिभ्यां अलिपूर्ण-रत्न-चषकम् रक्तोत्पलम् बिभ्रतीं
pāṇibhyāṃ alipūrṇa-ratna-caṣakam raktotpalam bibhratīṃ

In one hand She is holding a cup made out of rubies with honey filled to the brim.She holds in another hand a red coloured flower.

सौम्यां रत्न-घटस्थ-रक्त-चरणां ध्यायेत्परामम्बिकाम्॥
saumyāṃ ratna-ghaṭastha-rakta-caraṇāṃ dhyāyetparāmambikām

She's the embodiment of ultimate beauty. Everything associated with her is red in color, including her feet which is placed on a pot filled with rubies, on this form, let's meditate

अरुणां करुणा-तरङ्गिताक्षीं धृत-पाशांकुश-पुष्प-बाण-चापाम्।
aruṇāṃkaruṇā-taraṃgitākṣīṃ dhṛta-pāśāṅkuśa-puṣpa-bāṇa-cāpām|

Look at her eyes, which is bright like the sun and full of compassion, which binds to our soul like an ankusam. She has in her hands, a bow that is made of sugarcane and an arrow that is made of flowers

अणिमादिभिरावृताम् मयूखै: अहमित्येव विभावये भवानीम्॥
aṇimādibirāvṛtām mayūkhai-rahamityeva vibhāvaye bhavānīm

Bhavani,  other name of Sree Lalithambika, surrounded by Ashtama siddhis, like Anima, Mahima , Garima, Lagima,  Prapti,  Prakamya,  Istva and Vastva. A beautiful ray of light emanates from this, which I enjoy

ध्यायेत् पद्मासनस्थां विकसित-वदनां पद्म-पत्रायताक्षीं
dhyāyet padmāsanasthāṃ vikasita-vadanāṃ padma-patrāyatākṣīṃ

Face like moon and eyes like the petals of a lotus,  She's seated in padmasana posture, I meditate on this form

हेमाभां पीतवस्त्रां कर-कलित-लसद्धेम पद्माम् वराङ्गीम्।
hemābhāṃ pītavastrāṃ kara-kalita-lasaddhema padmām varāngīm

Looking most beautiful, golden complexion and wearing golden clothes, she's holding in her hands, a golden lotus

सर्वालंकार-युक्तां सततमभयदां भक्त-नम्राम् भवानीं
sarvālaṃkāra-yuktāṃsatatamabhayadāṃbhakta-namrām bhavānīṃ

Goddess Bhavani, bejeweled with all types of ornaments , she bows down to listen to her devotees and continuously bestow protection on them  In this context, the term Bhavani is intended to mean as Bhavan's wife, Lord Shiva's wife.

श्रीविद्यां शान्तमूर्तिं सकल-सुर-नुतां सर्व संपत् प्रदात्रीम्॥
śrividyāṃ śāntamūrtiṃ sakala-sura-nutāṃ sarva saṃpat pradātrīm

Worshipped in Shri Vidhya ritual, she has a face that is so tranquil, and is worshipped by everyone. She blesses everyone with all wealth and prosperity

सकुंकुम-विलेपनां अलिक-चुम्बि-कस्तूरिकां
समन्द-हसितेक्षणाम् सशर-चाप-पाशाङ्कुशाम्
sakuṃkuma-vilepanām alika-cumbi-kastūrikāṃ
samanda-hasitekṣaṇam saśara-cāpa-pāśāṅkuśa

She is anointed with kumkum and vermilion, which gives a pleasant fragrance, towards which bees are attracted. She looks at Her devotees with a benignant smile.  She holds in Her hands bow and arrow, two weaponries. She attracts everybody

अशेष-जन-मोहिनीं अरुण-माल्य-भूषाम्बरां
जपा-कुसुम-भासुरां जपविधौ स्मरेदम्बिकाम्
aśeṣa-jana-mohinīṃ aruṇa-mālya-bhūṣāṃbarāṃ
japā-kusuma-bhāsurāṃ japavidhau smaredaṃbikām

A complete mesmerizer of the masses, she wears a red garland made out of special sandal wood.  Excellent ornaments adorn Her and She has the complexion like a hibiscus flower.  One has to meditate on this form of Lalitāmbikā during japa time.  

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